Personal & Leadership Coaching

Hiring a coach is a commitment to growth and transformation. Whether you work for an organization, manage a team, or ready to address areas of your personal life, leadership coaching is a holistic approach that looks at all aspects of your life. I partner with my clients knowing they are already their own experts. I am the cheerleader, the under-cover agent, the bullshit detector and the guide. I will hold you accountable with tenderness or a firm reminder of your goals and values. The alliance we design is based on your individual needs.

It’s easy to fall prey to the cultural messages of perfectionism, but when we stop basing our worthiness on other peoples’ best interests, we begin living and leading with courage and certainty: We practice vulnerability, self-compassion and make bold choices that reflect our values.

Our collaborative partnership begins with the premise that right now as your imperfect self, you are enough. When I say “enough” I am not suggesting mediocre or status quo. I am saying that right now, your voice is worth hearing. Your values are worth honoring. Your ideas are worth sharing, regardless of how polished or pedestrian they may sound.

What does believing you’re enough look like?
  • It looks like taking a stand for something you believe-in, even at the risk of unpopularity.
  • It looks like knowing steadfast what your values and boundaries are, and making choices that are directly in alignment with them.
  • It looks like knowing deep inside of yourself that you’re worthy of a life rich with connection and deep fulfillment.

Want to learn more?

The first step is to schedule a COACHING INQUIRY call. We’ll have a conversation (at no cost) where you will gain an understanding of the coaching process, and I will gain a better sense of your needs. Together we’ll determine the best way I can support you in reaching your goals.

What I most appreciated about Joan was how she walked the talk and demonstrated the art of building and deepening connection through vulnerability. Thank you, Joan!”

– Sibel Babacan, Ph.D., PCC