Shining The Light…

Creating connection between others through my work is a strong value of mine. It eludes me at times because aside from running small workshops, primarily I work one-on-one. To this end I’ve decided to feature people, blogs, essays and events that have inspired or moved me. Some of these folks are my coaching clients; others are teachers and colleagues who have greatly influenced me. Some are friends and others are complete strangers. Warning… I find beauty and amazement in what you may see as ordinary, so be sure to stay open and take your time. Hopefully, shining a light on what inspires me, will also light you up! As always, let me know what you think.

Shining the light on: AUDREY EMERSON (pictured above with Astridah Katalyba, Tanzania 2015)

At the ripe old age of 18, Audrey Emerson hired me as her coach during her senior year of High School. Wise beyond her years, Audrey astounded me with her determination to live with more vulnerability and less perfectionism, to find peace amidst the adolescent drama that surrounded her in high school, and to discover where her next passion in the film and acting world would take her. Over-riding these lofty goals was her BIG heart and desire to use the arts to better the world. Fast-forward 3 years; Audrey is now a junior at University of Southern California studying Film Critical Studies. She is also the director & producer of The Pamoja Project, a documentary film featuring 3 Tanzanian women who are changing the lives of their communities. Audrey has fierce determination and boundless energy which served her well as she organized fundraising and production efforts, and recruited a team of camera crew, editors and sponsors. Pamoja means together in Swahili – a beautiful name for a project that will facilitate the blending of people and communities, worlds apart.

In Audrey’s own words, here is her Director’s Statement:

This is not just another documentary about Africa. The Pamoja Project is part of a movement to change the perception of Africa. While poverty and struggle are widespread in Tanzania, there are local heroes doing incredible things to uplift their own communities. It’s time to talk to them, hear what they have to say, and find out how we can support them. We live in a world that is more connected then ever and yet Africa still remains a distant “other.” It’s time to break down those boundaries and uplift each other. We are together. We are pamoja.   ~ Audrey

Please take a moment to visit The Pamoja Project website. Learn more about the passion of a young, determined spirit, hell bent on shining her own light on art, activism and social justice.

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