woman hugging a man wrapped in text

Gift From The Storm

There have been so many important transitions, life events, beautiful days, joy and stress since my last blog entry.  All fodder for writing.  But, I’ve been stuck and that’s not easy for a coach to admit.  I think the events will unfold in time, and I’ll be eager to share the learning and development from each.  For now though, it’s back to writing with a simple story:

Many of you know that the Northeast had an unusually harsh October storm this weekend.  With trees still ripe with foliage, the heavy weight of the snow knocked power lines down, fell trees, blocked driveways and roads.  We are in day 3 of no phone, electricity and Internet.  Fortunately we have a generator for water to the barn and power to a couple of rooms in the house (I’m using the internet today at my office).

I missed the ease of connecting virtually to friends and family. I really did.  I wanted to “check the weather”, post on Facebook, Skype or read the news.  It took a while to give into the isolation.  After fussing with the fire, feeding animals & cleaning, it happened.  I fell into the spell of a good book.  This may not seem like a big deal, but I’ve been struggling to return to reading for quite some time.  I have no problem with work-related print, but the novels recommended by friends have been stacking up on my nightstand for about 6 months.  It wasn’t until I was forced to surrender – to the quiet and simplicity, that I was able to let go.

What I’ve learned from this storm is no revelation – as wonderful as technology can be, much of it is simply distraction.  I believe my writing also became stuck for this very reason.  Creativity begets creativity, and I was severely malnourished.  So, here I am, writing again after 3 days unplugged.  What a gift this storm has been.  I rediscovered an old friend and can’t wait to get home to be reunited once again.  Happy reading!


  1. I know just what you mean about reading…. It’s so easy to get caught up in our technological communication, busy work, racing a million miles an hour and not get to that cozy space that is just relaxing into the single focus of a beautiful book.

  2. ok i got to know… are you reading the book i recommended?? i just finished it…..

    i have been reading a lot since the spring after a dead period and now i cant be without a book.. and yes it feels so awesome to be unplugged… i think we all spend way too much on cell, internet… we need more quiet time.. time talking to that person next to us…. and time with a great book…

    i relate!! and i hope you get your electricity back so you wont have to strain your eyes READING

  3. What a great revelation. It is easy to get caught up in all the technology. Makes me realize I want to stick with books in print and avoid the Kindle (or similar). Otherwise, even reading a good book wouldn’t be as much of an escape.

  4. It is so easy to keep busy with technology and forget about being and living in the moment. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Before the fire place, in coats and hats and blankets, Steve and I read to each other to keep our spirits warm. It was wonderful, and we are inspired to continue even though the heat’s back on.

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